Photos from last week!


Hello there.. I finally got some internet again! Gotta hit the slopes now but i Will give you Guys a big update later today
BYND X MDLS – Ep.2 – Ulricehamn & Oslo from Beyond Medals on Vimeo.
Good morning.
Just saw this photo on instagram! Jeeeeesus she can paint good thanks alot juliasjolund@instagram <3
Tired of this..
Hello again..
Today has been a hectic day. Went to Sveriges Radio (Swedish Radio) 2 times today and talked about everything. Im not gonna apologise that ive been posting women on my instagram and blog and i think its wrong of the national team to kick me out. Im not gonna apologise about my post to the journalists either but i could have wrote it in nicer words. Why can they write bad stuff about me and i cant say a single thing about them? Thats just wrong… An extreme group started to send the national team emails about that i was a women hater and they got scared of that and kicked me out. Tor has left the national team now aswell just because of their bad decisions about how the media decides who can be in the national team and not your riding.. I think its wrong what they have done but if you think something else thats up to you. For now we are not in the national team and we are gonna see how everything works out.
One of my sponsors Junkyard dropped me today aswell wich is sad.
Im just so tired of what this extreme group has done and that all the media attention it got made Junkyard to drop me because of my ”bad” view on women. They have supported me since i was 14 years old and they never said anything bad about my instagram and blog until now when media blew it up and they got scared. They have known for a long time that ive been posting women and its never been a problem before so i just think this whole thing is sad.. Thats how this world works i guess.. I still wanna thank Junkyard for all the great years we had together! The media rules alot of people.. Also thanks to all of you who stand up for us and support us to the fullest!
Kicked out of the national team
If you live in Sweden you might have seen this in the newspapers or on TV.. I got kicked out of the National team today for my ”bad” behavior on what i post on my instagram and write on my blog. Apparently I have a bad sight on women and that I’m a women hater.. I just want everybody to know that i don’t hate women at all and i love women more than anything! These ass photos i post are photos i get sent to me from girls who wants me to post em. Do you think its wrong that i post all these photos? Thanks to everybody who backs me up and for all the support <3 I will write more about this tomorrow..
Im in love with this girl...
Jeeeeeesus here we go again…. I might be in love with this girls and she has a snowboard next to her aswell. I would love to take her out for a ride! That guy Alexander Tikhomirov sure knows have to make good looking videos…
sexy promo from Alexander Tikhomirov on Vimeo.
Kingsize galan
Swedish hiphop awards went down last night! Me and tor went there and we sent it kind of hard.. Goooood times! Thanks Matthias and kingsizemag. My MacBook died today so im posting this from my phone. Early wakeup call tomorrow cuZ i gotta go see my doctor and take some x-ray business.
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