Mornings Are EVERYTHING!

love to take a nice walk to work instead of the takes approximately 40 min and it really is the BEST WAY to start a morning! You hear the birds, feel the morning sun on your face and just soak in everything that a beautiful day could give you!

Anything that is positive is always good for mornings!

Music in my ears and the road as my playground! =D

If I have any readers from Switzerland or Germany…go grab your Mannchaft magazine and turn to page 4 =)

The article is basically about hiring a booking agent for your next gay vacation such as Tel Aviv, Mykonos, Berlin etc

Just look at the twins! lol I just cant let it go..they look so alike Avi and his mother!

I love fridays in Israel!! my absolute favorite day of the week. People are really ENJOYING the friday to the fullest, all family and friends gathers and everybody are really ready for a great weekend!

No, its actually not tea…it’s hot water with nana and sweetener..yum!!

That time of the day..GYM!

One thing i love about this gym is that they have an outside part also! wowww it gives you really good energy!!

and after gym I made the perfect pre-workout meal for us!

(Yes as you may notice, I am the one at home who make all the food..Avi’s job is to keep the house clean..mine is FOOOOOD!)

Chicken with sweet potatoes and a spicy side dish with mushrooms and paprika

…and then finishing of the day with clementines and my series =D

Detta inlägg är publicerat i Okategoriserade på februari 11, 2016 23:31.

My First Israeli Gay Wedding Experience

There’s always a first for everything!
Our friends Elroy and Yonatan are a couple, living here in Israel – and getting married!
So basically, it was time for me to experience my first Israeli Gay Wedding!

Unfortunately, since gay marriage are not legally allowed in Israel, this would be more of a party/ceramony/celebration ..and then they get married afterwards on paper for real outside the country – so that when they return home they are basically legally married!

I was very excited for this because it’s something really new for me!

Detta inlägg är publicerat i Okategoriserade på februari 27, 2016 00:03.

My First Israeli Gay Wedding Experience

I really loved the style of it. It was classy but not TOO classy..with great food

Avi Alush!!

WHYYY dooes half of the israelis have this name?!?! Lol everywhere I go – I hear people say AVI avi AVI avi AVI.. hahaha

Even though I understood umm… NOTHING from their vows they gave to each other, it sounded so beautiful and it was really emotional. I love to hear people speaking about their emotions and feelings. Even though i’m not understand it – It just feel so real 

Mazal Tov!

Wow this was so cute.they made a big collage of all their pictures together with a song that Yonatan dedicated it to Elroy..very very romantic and they are so adorable together.

it was hard to watch it without tearing up a bit…They remind me a lot of me and Avi. You could really see how genuin their love is for each other. Very beautiful.

Great cake with the the pride colors!

Detta inlägg är publicerat i Okategoriserade på februari 27, 2016 00:03.

”My Father On His First Meeting With Avis Family!”

My father came for a 3 days visit!!! We could not be happier! He met Avi before, last year when Avi was on his Swedish/Christmas visit – and now it’s time for him to meet his family! So he took 3 days off from his work and flew over here!

My father is so amazing in so many ways. He’s so open as a person, with the biggest heart. The most important thing for him is that the family sticks together and he wants to support me 100% and really shows it.

We would not have time for all the tourist stuff, so this trip would basically mainly be to meet Avi’s family!

Detta inlägg är publicerat i Okategoriserade på februari 27, 2016 00:03.

All Pictures From My Birthday Party!”

Do you guys remember the Boyfriend Visa that me and Avi signed up for in June? We were interviewed and gave them all our chats, pictures, and conversation from when we started to got to know each other etc..and this would eventually give me a Visa that allows me to live & work here in Israel!

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